Q&A Series: Group Experience

A conversation with Michal Kocum about the Group Experience:

1. What would you say to someone on the fence about joining a group?


Get in touch. Really. Having a human face to talk to, ask questions and walk you through the details can make all the difference. Part of our work is helping you figure out what is needed and what has the potential for the greatest impact. 


2. I’ve tried so many different therapies. Why give the center for values based living a chance?


First of all, let’s acknowledge the courage and tenacity it took to take as many steps as you did. Sometimes that gets lost in the weeds when determining where to go next. Part of our work is taking a good look at what you have overcome and use that as a guide in honing in on what works for you, in general and specific. Making sure you do what works and move away from what doesn’t is a big part of our work together.


3. Why should I join a therapy group? Isn’t working with a therapist one-on-one enough?


It can be, absolutely. Working in a group has some unique benefits, though. One, the structure and commitment to this new time limited thing can help you get back on track. Two, sometimes knowing that you’re not alone and not “crazy” can be a powerful boost in and of itself. Three, group helps you get the general skills into your world while individual work adjusts and makes them your own. That can bring fresh takes, new insights and expanded capabilities into your journey. Quite the combo if you ask me. 


4. What is ACT anyway?


Acceptance Commitment Therapy, or ACT, shows and teaches new ways of interacting with the pain and difficulty life inevitably brings. In this group we explore and experiment with new ways of being fully with what is and what we’re experiencing and choosing what matters to us anyway. It’s like learning to drive a stick shift – you’ve got to get where you want to get, and trying to get there by brute force only makes the engine scream more. Leaning to manage all the moving parts can be pretty intimidating and you’re probably gonna be scared you’ll get into an accident. BUT, the more you do it, the more natural it gets, the more you can enjoy the drive and realize that now you can drive wherever in the world you travel to. 


5. Since ACT is all about values, tell us, what are your professional values?


Specific values depend on the details. I take different values into different rooms - individual therapy, group therapy, meetings, etc. That being said, there are some values that make it with me to most spaces - growth, focus, genuineness and patience. I seem to take their directions more often than not.


6. Tell us something about you, what do you enjoy about leading groups?


The brilliant solutions, insights and personalizations of skills and topics my clients bring to the table. No two groups I run are the same, mostly because of what I’ve learned from my clients. I have background in teaching, so I deeply enjoy the collaboration in the room and the space for iteration of the content over time. Nothing beats a genuine Aha! moment.


7.  And when you’re not at Heritage what do you enjoy for fun?


I love reading books, especially if they are printed and bound in hard cover. Science, psychology, philosophy, all have a place on my shelf. Right next to a board game collection for our board game nights and next to my binoculars, that support my birdwatching hobby. 

Michal Kocum leads groups through our Center for Values Based Living



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